• Publishing JUnit Test Results From GitLab CI

    While working on my first semester project for my CS masters degree, I chose to use GitLab for project management and source code hosting. While I love GitLab for its integrated time tracking, issue board, powerful interface, etc. I really miss one crucial feature: test result reporting. I looked far...

  • Filtering directory entries with std::filesystem and Boost

    Recently, I was working on wallpaper changer for the GNOME desktop environment. After fumbling around with the, less-than-stellar, python bindings for Glib, I decided to go back to my roots and do it in C++. It turned out that the new filesystem features in C++, while awesome, are missing one...

  • Building clang, LLDB and libc++ on Ubuntu

    Recently I wanted to support building of one of my projects (Life++) on Linux. Since this project makes use of some of the features of the fairly new C++11 Standard, I thought I’d use clang and libc++. Because I really like clang and libc++ I thought it would be cool...